Being Intentional

Taking my Seat in the Warrior's World

. 2 min read . Written by Sara Hicks
Taking my Seat in the Warrior's World

At about the same time we successfully launched our General Availability v1.0.0 release, our new website, and unveiled Reaction to the world at a large industry conference, we moved from our beloved home in Venice, and my dad started hospice. I know that's a big sentence. I lived it. Never have I felt more exhausted, tired, relieved, sad, proud, and shocked. Any one of those things would have been hard, but all of the sudden family, life, home, and work collided.

I believe in acknowledging milestones. Beginnings and endings. Bowing in and bowing out. The start of something and the end of something. And here I am, with beginnings and endings directly in my face. Work. Home. Family. Life.

The work is the life is the work.

Our launch was a success, but I didn't truly feel it. My demo was well received, but I felt a bit numb. We moved into a great new place. The list and life goes on.

After our big launch, I attended a CEO Bootcamp with the amazing Reboot team near Boulder, Colorado. The two events almost lined up back-to-back. Going into the Reboot weekend, I was beyond tired and empty. I didn't know if I needed a break or a change. The weekend was just what I needed. It was a break and a change, but it was not at all in the way I imagined. I went in feeling intimidated and left feeling recharged and, well, rebooted. It was real work that was, at times, hard and emotionally exhausting, but it was also filled with great joy and comfort that was rewarding.

Life goes on. The work evolves. My dad continues to be strong. We had a good Board meeting. My mom turned 80, and we had a lovely family celebration dinner, but she's now facing a major cancer health scare as well. (F*&k cancer...) We're now focused on our Series A fundraise, and, yes, the fundraising process sucks. I'm currently in one of my favorite places in the world, Telluride, Colorado, for downtime with my loves. Our new home actually feels like home. We planted a lemon tree, and it's already grown over a foot in the first month. I think I have, too.

My Kōan's from the Reboot Bootcamp was about "taking my seat in the warrior's world."

I'm there.

Telluride 2017